Central key system
Central key system (CK-system)
Central key systems are those locking systems in which the keys belonging to the cylinder (apartment, office or similar) also lock one or more central cylinders (house entrance, side entrance, yard gate).
1. Example

The following lock solution can be seen on the 1st picture:
- keys S.1 to S.10 close the associated cylinders (doors) Pos. 3 - Pos. 10
- in addition, these keys also lock the central areas: front door and basement door
- key S.1 locks only the central cylinders
- the number of the respective keys does not play a role
2. Example: CK-system with technical master key

The following lock solution can be seen in the 2nd picture:
- in addition to the keys in the 1st example there is a special key, the technical master key
- this may close only the central and technical areas, but not the apartments or offices